Labels:bulletin board | chat room | daily | earth | gazette | grass | reckoner | sand | sky OCR: Pantanal Kayaking Safari EXPLORE AN UNP ARALLELED WULDLJFE SA NCTUARY KAYAK The vast wetland complex of Brazil's Pantanal nearly forgotten wild erness 1 the heart of South America har bors the greatest quantity and variety of wildlife found in all the Americas This nature lover's paradise, and treasure trove for photogra- phy enthusiasts To best explore the wonders the Pantanal, we take two person kayaks unmatched vehicles for exploring remote bea utif ul places and perfect for silently slipping close XO tic wildlife and ornately plu imaged birds glide along mea ndering adm iring the continual show 01 wildlif dom inating the Pantana Kaya king ARALLELEI WILJLJFE Brazir orgotten founo Amer icas easure wonder perf fect rivers contin ting